Well, here we are! Morocco! It feels like it's been such a long time coming, that I can hardly believe I'm here at all. The flight was long, unsleepful, and I was left more than just a bit smelly upon arrival. We were met by the country director, who has an amazing memory when it comes to where we're all from and our backgrounds. We were driven straight to our hotel for the next 4 days, until Sunday when we will move to host families. My bags have already exploded all over the room - so much for trying to be organized. Yesterday was just a little bit of meeting time and then a group of us went down to the beach to have a wander. And found these:

Oh yeah. The beach today, a bit more ominous looking, but amazing, and I even jumped in it. Which was gorgeous:

And this appear to be how my name is written in arabic, although my name tag was missing an 'n' in my last name, so I'm not sure if this is correct. But it still looks good!
More to come!
wow....just wow.