I got home from lmdrasa today (school) with my fellow PCT and my host mother promptly linked arms with me and led me off. To where, I had no idea. But we were told, if anyone you know (not strangers) asks you to go somewhere with them, just go. So we went, and ended up at a house down the street where we were fed food, food and food. A lot! (Makla, makla u makla. Bzzf!) It seems that there is a snack time here - just after 6pm, just after sundown, and from what I can gather it lasts about 2 hours!
Today we ate:
yummy pancake-like things
another kind of pancake thing with holes (sweet)
hrira (soup)
hard boiled eggs
some kind of meat - not entirely sure
two whole chickens cooked with olives
lxubz (bread)
and of course atay u qahwa. tea and coffee.
I'm going to be so fat by the end of CBT. No joke. The amount of bread and oil I've eaten is just insane.
(3 hours later) I know I said the other day that I had my first bucket bath, but today I had my first REAL bucket bath. My host mother's bathroom became the hamaam for my fellow PCT and I, and my host mother's daughter, who is also my fellow PCT's host mother (it's all in the family here). We went into the bathroom, stripped down to undies and proceeded to scrub ourselves raw - the amount of dead skin that we removed was quite amazing. I have never felt so clean. And when we thought maybe we were finished, we would have our backs scrubbed, and find a whole new layer of skin to get rid of. It was so great, like going to the spa in your own home - I'm going to sleep amazingly well!
Tomorrow is souk (market) which we are all looking forward to - it's the big day in town. Preparations were already underway today - tents and wares were being hauled off the backs of trucks on the main road to get ready. It looks enormous, and it seems like everyone in town is going. Apparently the auctioning of the animals starts around 7am, but I think we are going around 10 or 11 to see what's going on. More on that after the fact!
Darija is difficult. That's all there is to it. There are sounds in Darija that don't exist in English, so I can't make them. We covered greetings today, and then went in to the town and each introduced ourselves to 4 people, who, no doubt, all thought we were barking mad. (And they have a point.) I'm writing pages and pages of vocabulary notes, and my plan is to rewrite each days notes in the evening to help it stick.
I watched a Moroccan soap opera with my family this evening, of which I understood nothing, but it seems to be THE program to watch around here. I've excused myself for an hour before dinner so that I can write this. About twice the size of my old apartment, no joke. Two walls are stacked to the ceiling with bed frames, mattresses, blankets, and pillows, and way in the opposite corner is a full mattress on the floor for me. There's a small table and a chair, and a couple of rugs, and that's it - but it's great. I'm not going to be cold with all these blankets around me! Apparently the snow can start in October - not December as I was previously told. Um, boots. And down vest. And wool socks. Just saying.
We had an introduction to Islam this afternoon, which was very interesting, and useful of course. I've been hearing the call to prayer (muzen) during the day, and while we were in Mehdya I heard the early morning call (ssubH) - but I didn't hear it this morning. I had the privilege of hearing the stray dogs fighting in the middle of the night instead.
(3 hours later) Back from dinner and my first bucket bath - I love it! I have no problem with this - it feels just like I'm at Kabuki in Japantown. I showed my host mum pictures of my parents, and she said, while gesturing to her face: "Nti, maman, kifkif! Papa, lla!" - which means - "You, mother, same same! Father - no!" I look like my mum, but not so much my dad. She's right of course.
And now that I'm all warm and cozy from my bucket bath, to bed I go. Just killed a fly on my computer screen, so I'm all set.
And this appear to be how my name is written in arabic, although my name tag was missing an 'n' in my last name, so I'm not sure if this is correct. But it still looks good!
More to come!